The Hume Society

Stimulating Scholarship on the Writings of David Hume

Society News

51st Annual Hume Conference: 14-18 July 2025 at McMaster University, Canada

The Hume Society is pleased to announce that its 51st annual Hume conference will be held at McMaster University, Canada, in conjunction with the Bertrand Russell Research Centre, from 14-18 July 2025. The conference themes are: Hume and the Development of Analytic Philosophy, Hume and Feminism, and Hume and the Philosophy of Emotion. You may visit the conference website here.

See the attached flyer for more information, and we will look forward to seeing you at McMaster! Note that the submission deadline has been extended to 1 December.

Ruth Weintraub's monograph, Humean Bodies and their Consequences, now released

We are delighted to note the publication of Ruth Weinbraub's monograph, Humean Bodies and their Consequences:


Here is the abstract: This book, published by Springer in February, 2024, defends the very contentious Idealist interpretation of Hume on external objects, and draws from it far-reaching consequences for Hume’s philosophy. Its interest is both interpretive and analytic. The content Hume ascribes to the belief in “bodies” is susceptible to more than one reading, and has not been systematically considered. Upholding the Idealistic interpretation is interesting in its own right, but also yields several important conclusions about the spatiality of objects, causation, Hume’s “science of man” and his epistemology. For instance, it argues that the Idealist reading means that there are no cross-temporal spatial relationships, and that the (more prevalent) Materialist reading takes Hume further away from methodological empiricism than does the Idealist counterpart, and may render his practice less in conformity with his official methodology.