The Hume Society

Stimulating Scholarship on the Writings of David Hume

History and Purpose

Founded in 1974, the Hume Society is an international organization of scholars from dozens of countries. Its purpose is to stimulate scholarship on all aspects of the thought and writings of David Hume, the 18th-century Scottish philosopher, historian and essayist. Membership in the society is open to everyone interested in Hume and his philosophical and literary contemporaries.


The Hume Society holds conferences each year, with a program of papers and formal comments, along with the Society’s annual business meeting. Papers submitted for Hume Conferences are subject to anonymous review. Hume Society Young Scholar Awards are given to qualifying graduate students whose papers have been accepted through the normal anonymous-review process.

The Society also organizes group sessions at the Eastern, Central, and Pacific Division meetings of the American Philosophical Association, as well as at the meeting of the Canadian Philosophical Association. Special meetings are also held, either independently or sponsored jointly with other societies.


Members of the Hume Society receive the journal Hume Studies, which is published twice yearly in April and November under the auspices of the Society. In addition, members have full access to the Hume Studies Archives, an online archive of the journal.